Thoughts on the coming Fraternal Year – 2019-2020

Well, another Fraternal year is past and we are pondering what we will be doing this new year. Some of us will remain in our roles as Knights in various executive positions. Others are looking at whole new positions and activities in the upcoming year. I will, as you may know, be remaining in my two roles, as Purser for the J.V. Cleary Assembly 0857 and as Grand Knight for St. Paul the Apostle Council 9652. So, what will this year entail? How do we go about improving our involvement and our lives in general?

In the reading from 13th Sunday in Ordinary time, Jesus admonishes the young man who is contemplating following him with

“No one who sets a hand to the plough and looks to what was left behind is fit for the kingdom of God.” Lk 9:62

We need to keep moving forward and not spend our lives looking backwards at all our past troubles, failures or misadventures. The analogy is an apt one. In the days of plowing using an oxen or a horse to pull a blade through the soil, it required both hands on the plow and both eyes on the row ahead in order to keep the furrow straight and true. Turning one’s head to look backwards generally results in accidentally turning the whole plow and messing up the furrow in progress.

This Fraternal year, we need to step up and move forward. Let’s make sure that we can see our potential in the future. Let’s focus on developing our life in Christ and on how we will be living out the Christian life. As Knights of Columbus, we have a particular challenge to live our Catholic lives in a rather public way. We do our work best when we are seen doing our work. Take, for example, the ad-vert in the recent Kingston Whig, giving thanks for all the sponsors and help for the charity work that Council 9652 did in its annual Charity Golf Tournament. Works like this, and so many others need to be visible and out there so that others can know what we do.

We are also “out there”, day to day in everything we do. Keep in mind our witness to Christ in all that we do. Always remember to set an example for those around us, both our brother Knights and the people at large. We are modelling Catholic, Christian behaviour for all the people we meet on a daily basis. Let’s all trust in the Grace of God to give us the courage to step up boldly, knowing that while our goals may seem more than we can handle as individuals, they are not so great that we and God cannot succeed together.

All Glory and Praise to God our Father in Heaven.

Vivat Jesus!

Michael Mombourquette
Grand Knight

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