Dedication and Commitment During this “Year of Faith”

As our fraternal year comes to a close (June 30th) along with my tenure as your Grand Knight, I remain in awe by all the volunteer work our Knights and their families do in support of, our fundraising events, in our Knights of Columbus activities and charities and general support to our community. Beyond this support there are Knights and their Families who very quietly go about doing Charitable works without any recognition what so ever, working in the soup kitchens of our Foodbank – St. Vincent de Paul, visiting our sick in hospitals and homes, providing transportation to those unable to get around, donating blood, or just lending an ear to someone who may be in pain or suffering a loss.

WHY do we do this? Because, we believe and profess in LOVING OUR NEIGHBOUR!

CHARITY ALONG WITH UNITY, FRATERNITY AND PATRIOTISM are the underpinnings of our fraternal organization.

To quote an excerpt of his prayer recognizing our Family and living the virtue  of Charity, composed by our Supreme Chaplain Bishop William Lori he  writes,

“In our daily life and work, may we reflect the self-giving love which you, O Father, eternally show with your son and the Holy Spirit.” (See the Family Prayer, prayer card inserted in the April 2013 issue of Columbia magazine.)

 Although I am writing to the converted, my thanks are to ALL of You on behalf of those who have experienced Our outreach of service and charity. You made the last two years a wonderful and Faith filled experience!

As we continue all our great works let us take time to celebrate Life.   May-June  is a time we celebrate first Communions, Mother’s Day, Graduations and weekend events with Family.  Catch the spring spirit in the air and let it remind you of the Holy Spirit within us all as we approach the feast of Pentecost.


On May the 9th a chartered bus will be attending the March for Life in Ottawa, departing from St Paul the Apostle 9:30AM please support this Catholic Womens’ League and Knights of Columbus initiative in this Year of Faith.   For more information click here.

Let me conclude with a hymn verse taken from the United Church.

“Go now in Peace.  Never be afraid.  God will go with you each hour of every day.  Go now in Faith, steadfast, strong and true.  Know He will guide you in all you do.  Go now in Love, and show you Believe.  Reach out to others so all the world can see.  God will be there watching from above.  Go now in Peace, in Faith and Love.”

 In Service to One.  In Service to All.

 Vivat  Jesus.

Grand Knight Terry Finn



The Junior arm of the Knights of Columbus is the Squires and the emblem that they display is:


The Squires emblem includes a Maltese cross upon which are the letters ”P.” (physical fitness); ”I.” (intellectual development); ”S.” (spiritual growth and the practice of our faith); and ”C” (citizenship and civic life). The large letters ”C.” and ”S.” intertwined with the cross respectively represent Christ and Squires. The ”K.” centered on the cross symbolizes the Knights of Columbus. Esto Dignus, the Squires’ motto encircling the emblem, is Latin for ”Be Worthy.”



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